Wednesday 9 September 2009

New Zealand Photo Mania!

More Kiwiana than you can shake a pineapple lump at - take the day off work and peruse the hundreds of photos we have just uploaded! There are lots of new albums there, so don't forget forget to scroll down the album page!

Click the link below and you'll be there quicker than you can say "Sweet As eh?"

click here

Saturday 21 March 2009

Friday 20 March 2009

"Guten Morgan, Warum Ist Das Opera House Bitte?"

Now, Australia has its fair share of funny place names, Wooloomaloo, Parramatta and Tumbalong to name but a few. We were a little surprised, however, to discover the sheer number of German sounding towns and cities on our brand new fold-out map of Australia, a great christmas gift from Sam's Dad Pete.

As we attempted to plan our travels across this great land and couldn't find Sydney, Melbourne or even a coastline we began to suspect something was awry.....

Thursday 19 March 2009

1984 Australia Tourism Ad

Speaking of shrimps and barbies, check out this ad from 1984 starring Paul Hogan - we saw this on a TV show the other night about advertising. Apparently still to this day, its the most successful set of tourism ads ever for the Aussies:

Sydney pics - Part 2 now online

Just click the link to view - Australia - Sydney/City/Beaches - Part 2

Part 3 will be online quicker than you can say "sling another shrimp on the barbie!"

Quick Access to All Photo Galleries

You can now just click here to jump straight to the home page with all the photo galleries posted so far and choose the ones you want to view - Handy eh?!

Blog Makeover!

Well now we have a PC in our room, it means I have unlimited time to tinker pointlessly with stuff online - hence the new look blog! I think its easier to read and loads quicker, but could be wrong - answers on a postcard please (or an email)

Friday 6 March 2009

Down Under Photos

First bunch of Aussie photos are online and ready to view now! Australia - Sydney/City/Beaches - Part 1

Plenty more still to come, but right now we're off to hang out with about 100,000 gay dudes at the Mardi Gras Parade!

Sunday 1 March 2009

Tired Toes In Tokyo Town - Part 2 (finally)

Ok, so where were we.....

As well as visiting nearly every shopping district and mall in Tokyo, we also saw lots more. Ueno Zoo was a real highlight that we pretty much stumbled upon. We were strolling through Ueno Park on a really sunny afternoon, after seeing the Imperial Palace (worth doing but you can only see bits from a distance) and the zoo is nestled at the end of the park. It was also possibly the most value for money attraction in all of South East Asia - 500 Yen admission! thats like less than 4 quid, and the place is huge with every kind of animal you could imagine and a really nicely laid out clean environment with a monorail running between the two main sections.

As you can see from the pictures the animals were amazing, the only thing more amazing was the number of photos Sam managed to take during our visit (trust me, the ones online are the edited version, we're talking 10 photos per animal! :-))

After the Zoo we wondered back through the park as it was just starting to get dark which is when any district of Tokyo come to life in a blaze of Neon and Ueno was no different. I spotted a gargantuan Pachinko Parlour (Japanese slot machines mixed with Pinball) that I wanted to see, and this led us through to a massive street market under the tracks of the elevated railways which had to be seen to be believed. You had to basically pick a direction becuase there was no way to see it all, it went on in every direction as far as the eye can see, everything from fashion to fish to arcades to coffee shops. It was a great sight, absolutely buzzing and one of the first things I think of when I think back to Tokyo.

On another day we headed out on the train a bit out of Tokyo central to a place called Shimo Kitizawa which is more traditional in architecture (no space age skyscrapers that know your name) but has become a bit of a hub for cool, cutting edge fashion. Again it went off in every direction with different shops on different floors of each building (including basements and roofs!) and sprawled for miles. Every possible taste is catered for and is very, very cool as well as generally reasonably priced. After some sushi in the street we stopped for a drink in what has to be the worlds most coolest coffee shop (so cool that you could order the furniture or buy the coasters!) and had the best iced tea and iced chocolate coffee of all time. I would fly back to Tokyo just for that damn iced coffee.

On Valentines day we headed to Yoyogi Park in Harajuku. The park is massive and houses the biggest Shinto Shrine in Tokyo. Harajuku itself is another cutting edge fashion district that looks like Rodeo Drive in Hollywood (it also is home to the Ometosando Hills shopping complex) with lots of winding alleys of the main strip with more small boutique shops. Harajuku is also the place to see all the Cosplay kids dressed up (google it!)

We picked probably the best day to go to the park as not only was it scorching, we also got to witness a traditional japanese wedding within the grounds of the Shrine which was beautiful. We wrote a wish and hung it on the temple (the done thing). After the shrine we went into the traditional japanese garden which winds its way through the park down to an absolutely stunning lake. The other largest Shrine was actually just down the road from our Hostel in Asakusa. We somehow made friends with some random, rather large, Japanese dude who had the worlds smallest dog! After stroking him for a bit the guy just gave me the lead and left for like 20 minutes! The dog made a home in Sam's lap until he returned.

We then walked from Harajuku down to Shibuya which has the worlds largest and busiest pedestrian crossing that makes Oxford Street look like St.Mary's street (Google QFront for a look). We headed back to Asakusa to chill in the hostel before going to Denny's for dinner! Dont ask us what we ordered, just know it was nice, very japanese and filled us up good! They also gave us a bell to ring when we required service, nice!

The last day was one of the most memorable of all. Whilst doing some washing in a laundrette the size of a microwave, we decided we would try and find the giant glowing sphere we has seen in the distance from the top of Tokyo Tower, which we had discovered was in fact the worlds largest Ferris Wheel! This was located in Odaiba, a kind of artificial island in the middle of Tokyo Bay, so after spending the day in various parts of Tokyo we headed over there as night fell. Little did we know that just getting there was going to be one of the most awesome things we would do.

In order to get to Odaiba you need to get the Monorail. This is no ordinary monorail - we're talking driverless, warp speed, Captain Kirk, twisting, flying type monorail. It flys through skyscrapers, over expressways, under roads and then loops 360 and goes right in the middle of Rainbow Bridge, a huge structure that links Tokyo to Odaiba. It was unbelievable and once on the bridge gave the most stunning view of the Tokyo skyline.

Odaiba itself is like a mini Las Vegas with Hotel Resorts, huge malls, the worlds largest indoor theme park as well as the Ferris Wheel! Which incidentally you have to walk through the worlds largest car showroom to get to (you can test drive Toyota cars on the indoor track!!!). It was simply amazing at the top of the Ferris Wheel, we could see for miles and was truly breathtaking and a great way to say farewell to Tokyo. Plus, we even had heated seats!!!

There are so many little things that havent made the blog that made Tokyo the craziest place on earth, but you just kind of have to see it to believe some of it. We would love to go back some day and see all the madness again, just maybe next time stay in a room slightly larger than a drinks cabinet. Maybe the Grand Hyatt at the top of Roppongi Hills! :-)

Sayonara Tokyo, Hello Singapore.......................................................

Saturday 28 February 2009

A quick note on the photos

Hello! Just so you know, I've removed the slideshows from the blog posts as they were causing the blog to slooooooow down big time! So now there is just a text link to go directly to the photo albums and view them that way, much easier and faster! :-)

Thursday 26 February 2009

Singapore Pics - Part 2

Second batch of Singapore Pics are online, just click here: Singapore 2

Singapore Pics - Part 1

First lot of photos from Singapore, click here: Singapore

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Where Are We Again???

This has to be the craziest 3 weeks of all time - Tokyo, Singapore and now Sydney! Its been so mad that Tokyo is starting to feel like some surreal dream (though it did when we were there!), so really looking forward to take the time to write up the rest of the blog on Tokyo to re-live it all!

Singapore was so beyond our expectations, its a truly stunning place that has almost everything you could want (it is pretty much a purpose built city, but without the overt soullessness of, say, Dubai). It has the most amazing shops, bars and restaurants you have ever seen, in some of the most stunning settings (google Clarke Quay or Boat Quay) and then Sentosa Island's beaches just top it off. If one thing sums up Singapore its the FOOD! The local Hawker centres offer entire meals for $3! Which kind of made up for the insane beer prices (8 pound and rising!!!)

Sydney is amazing.....

Friday 20 February 2009

Tired Toes in Tokyo Town - Part 1

Ok, so its about 11pm in Singapore right now (it rocks here by the way, but that's another blog entry for another day) - time to finally get you up to speed on what we got up to in Tokyo!

I guess the main thing to say about Tokyo is that whilst it is a city of contrasts (new vs traditional) it is on the whole like being beamed about 10 to 15 years into the future. There are times when you just look around slack-jawed thinking the UK seems like the dark ages. Its not like they have teleporters or hovering jet cars or anything, its just that the overall infrastructure and architecture is so advanced and pristine that it looks like nowhere else on earth.

We were really lucky with the weather too, most days were bright and sunny - in fact the day we went to Harajuku we were sweltering carrying our jackets around the whole day!

I have never, in my life, been anywhere that has remotely close to the number of shops that Tokyo has. Every district, every neighbourhood, every street, every subway station, every street light seems to have its own mall. Or three. I cannot express in words the sheer number of retail outlets that exist in this city (Singapore is almost as bad by the way!). I guess only the worlds most populous metropolitan area can sustain such insane levels of consumer choice.

Ginza is New York's 5th Avenue on steroids. Like Tokyo as a whole it is sprawling and vast, and has more Gucci and Dior stores than we have Tesco Express. Its quite unbelievable when you consider Japan hasnt even recovered from the economic bubble burst of the 90's, let alone the current recession! But it is great to walk around and window shop and people watch.

Two brand new shopping and entertainment districts have recently popped up in Tokyo - Roppongi Hills and Ometesando Hills, both built by the same company. The latter quite a nice managable high end mall, the former a un-navigable, over-complicated, 6 floor, 5 zone monster where the mall directory looks like an Escher painting! Seriously we were stuck in there the whole day trying to escape only to end up at the same Starbucks about 4 times.

We did eventually escape and found solice in a Pool Hall in Roppongi High Street, which very conveniently had a phone next to the table to order beer from. Nice.

Roppongi Hills was actually the start of one of our busiest days of the whole week, after Pool we headed to Akihabara - "Electric Town". This is the hub for all things electronic, geeky and loud - so I was in my element, Sam...was not. However to her credit she managed to smile gratiously through gritted teeth as I dragged her through 8 storey amusement arcades, playing Street Fighter 4 and trying to understand how to exchange money for Pachinko balls (which I fear I may never).

After Akihabara we were both shattered but managed to muster the energy to head on over to Tokyo Tower. I cannot stress how KNACKERED we both were at this point having walked half of Tokyo and spending what seemed like a few days in Roppongi Hills, but the view at the top of Tokyo Tower made it all worth it. It was simply stunning to see the city of the future from that height. As well as an amazing view, Tokyo Tower also showed us something in the distance that we had no idea about - a mysterious, shiny, flashing multicoloured ball of light on the horizon that would end up giving us the best final nights entertainment we could of imagined.............

In Part 2: Ueno, Shimo Kitizawa, Odaiba, Sushi and more!

Tuesday 17 February 2009

Tokyo Pictures Galore!

Click here for all the photos you could want! : Tokyo

Finally uploaded all the photos of Tokyo from Sam's camera, it took forever! Have spent the whole morning in our hostel in Singapore doing this, so we hope you enjoy! Just click on any of the photos to view them large then you can scroll through them in the photo album in large format.

Singapore pics and Tokyo blog of what we got up to still to come...stay tuned!

Thursday 12 February 2009

Konichiwa from Tokyo!

Hello from Tokyo!!!

Well we have been here a few days now and it is absolutely insane!!! Nothing can really prepare you for the culture shock of not being able to read 95 percent of what is around you, really the only thing that is bilingual is the subway signs - good thing really otherwise we would probably be halfway up Mount Fuji by now.

Once you get used to it though this city is truly amazing, unlike anywhere else on earth - everything is very very different and you just have to either embrace it or freak out.

Our hostel room is about the size of a small cupboard with bunk beds! We use the bottom bunk as storage and we both sleep in the top one which is highly amusing. Asakusa is a quieter part of town which is nice, right on the Sumida River and round the corner from the famous Asahi building - the one with the giant gold flame on top!

Yesterday we went to see the imperial palace, then went to Ueno Zoo which was spectacular - every animal under the sun! After the zoo we ended up walking into the most unbelievable street market that had everything from surf shops to fish stalls to 5 storey arcades and pachinko parlours - i havent worked out how to play yet but i will!!!

Its about 10 in the morning here now and we are off to Roppongi Hills shopping district, then Akihabara to geek it up with the Otaku. Plan to finish the day on top of Tokyo Tower!

Will post pics as soon as we can get on computers with USB connections!

Stay Tuned, Sayonara!

Sunday 8 February 2009

Bye Bye Weymouth!!!

Well it's the eve of the big day and we're not even done packing...not good. Have probably forgotten everything but it will have to do. Bye bye everyone, love ya and will see you in 2010 - next stop TOKYO! Dont forget to check back here every now and again to see what we're up to, you know you want to


Sunday 4 January 2009

Welcome one and all!

Coming Soon.....Stay tuned for all the latest news beginning February 9th 2009!